112 research outputs found

    Review: Animals and Early Modern Identity, Pia F. Cuneo (ed)

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    Pia F. Cuneo ed., Animals and Early Modern Identity. Farnham: Ashgate 2014 Reviewed by Erica Fudge, University of Strathclyde

    Description and test results of a variable speed, constant frequency generating system

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    The variable-speed, constant frequency generating system developed for the Mod-0 wind turbine is presented. This report describes the system as it existed at the conclusion of the project. The cycloconverter control circuit is described including the addition of field-oriented control. The laboratory test and actual wind turbine test results are included

    Experimental investigation of a variable speed constant frequency electric generating system from a utility perspective

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    As efforts are accelerated to improve the overall capability and performance of wind electric systems, increased attention to variable speed configurations has developed. A number of potentially viable configurations have emerged. Various attributes of variable speed systems need to be carefully tested to evaluate their performance from the utility points of view. With this purpose, the NASA experimental variable speed constant frequency (VSCF) system has been tested. In order to determine the usefulness of these systems in utility applications, tests are required to resolve issues fundamental to electric utility systems. Legitimate questions exist regarding how variable speed generators will influence the performance of electric utility systems; therefore, tests from a utility perspective, have been performed on the VSCF system and an induction generator at an operating power level of 30 kW on a system rated at 200 kVA and 0.8 power factor

    Embryos as Patients? Medical Provider Duties in the Age of CRISPR/Cas9

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    The CRISPR/Cas9 genome engineering platform is the first method of gene editing that could potentially be used to treat genetic disorders in human embryos. No past therapies, genetic or otherwise, have been intended or used to treat disorders in existent embryos. Past procedures performed on embryos have exclusively involved creation and implantation (e.g., in-vitro fertilization) or screening and selection of already-healthy embryos (e.g., preimplantation genetic diagnosis). A CRISPR/Cas9 treatment would evade medical malpractice law due to the early stage of the intervention and the fact that it is not a treatment for the mother. In most jurisdictions, medical professionals owe no duty to pre-viable fetuses or embryos as such, but will be held liable for negligent treatment of the mother if the treatment causes injury to a born-alive child. This issue brief discusses the science of CRISPR/Cas9, the background legal status of human embryos, and the case for considering genetically engineered embryos as patients for purposes of medical malpractice law

    TestDaF oder ZOP? Welche Prüfung sagt mehr über die Studierfähigkeit aus?

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    The following article is about two tests of the knowledge of German as a foreign language on an advanced level: TestDaF and ZOP (Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung, Goethe-Institut). Each test type is first described and then analysed for its suitability as a university entry test for foreign students, as both are recognised as such by German universities. It is shown that every test type includes items, which are not valid for university applicants. Based on this analysis, the author works out criteria, which a university entry test should include

    Arcadia University Yearbook 1987

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    Sparta und Olympia im Nationalsozialismus

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    Sparta und Olympia waren zwei „Topoi“ des nationalsozialistischen Griechenlandbildes, die nicht nur ideologisch resp. politisch instrumentalisiert, sondern vom NS-Staat auch ganz real als Grabungsstätten usurpiert wurden. Sparta als Archetypus eines völkisch-totalitären Rassenstaates konnte einerseits das vermeintliche Entwicklungsgesetz der Geschichte als Abfolge von „Artentfaltung“ und „Entartung“ verifizieren, andererseits als Leitbild eines artgerechten Staatswesens und damit als politisches Vorbild für einen nationalsozialistischen Staat dienen. Vor Ort wurden nach der Besetzung Griechenlands 1941 die SS-Forschungs- und Lehrgemeinschaft Das Ahnenerbe und das Amt Rosenberg archäologisch tätig. Olympia wurde ideologisch-politisch erst aus Anlass der XI. Olympischen Spiele 1936 entdeckt; die olympische Idee wurde zur Demonstration eigener Friedfertigkeit missbraucht und die Spiele gelangten als völkisches Fest der Wehrertüchtigung in das nationalsozialistische Geschichtsbild. Der politische An-spruch wurde in der 1937 mit Mitteln aus Hitlers persönlichen Verfügungsmitteln wieder aufgenommenen „Führergrabung“ vor Ort manifest


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    Experimental investigation of spiroid gear drives Spiroid gear drive - composed of a tapered pinion and a gear - considering the arrangement of axis belongs to hypoid gear drives, while considering the shape of mating surfaces to wormgear drives. Test results permitted both to quality of the manufactured mating pair and to compare its performance with those of wormgear drives of the same ratio. Tests prove, that the efficiency and load carrying capacity of spiroid gear drives are suitable for practice